The official training media of the ZDK for technical and commercial trainees in the automotive industryFactsheet
Facts and figures
About us
Multimedia learning platform with system
Learning researchers have come to the conclusion that the choice of medium is not the decisive factor for the best possible learning success. Rather, the content must be adapted to the respective medium and make use of its didactic strengths. We rely on these findings in autoFACHMANN and autoKAUFMANN : The monthly print journals, the e-learning and the digital report book guarantee trainees the optimal preparation of the learning content and ensure time savings for the trainer in the company.
autoFACHMANN and autoKAUFMANN are the official training media of the Central Association of the German Automotive Industry (ZDK) for technical and commercial trainees in the automotive industry. The content is tailored to the training regulations for automotive mechatronics technicians and automotive salesmen.
Julia Moßner
Head of Training and Further Education Media

Target group overview
Target groups
by position in company*
Owners, managing directors, master craftsmen and trainees in the automotive industry
Vocational and technical school teachers, others
by industry/sector*
car repair shops
Others (Chambers of Commerce, Associations, etc.)
*Publisher‘s statistics