May 11, 2022 | Böblingen

Smart Factory Day

What practical benefits do automotive suppliers and manufacturers gain from networking their plants? What role do the suppliers play in this – and what basic steps are important for this?

The focus of the » Smart Factory Day « is the transformation in the automotive industry: sustainable processes, lower start-up and manufacturing costs, more flexible production and better capacity utilization and quality.

About the participation options

To the event page


print run
(IVW-certified, Q2/2021)
Page Impressions
per month
per month
Newsletter subscriptions
MM Daily


Target group

Managing Director, Plant Manager,
Production Manager / Head of Production, Head of Production Control / Production Planning, Technical Manager, Assembly Manager, Start Ups, Young Professionals

Managers in related areas: Logistics Manager, R&D Manager, Design Manager, Customer Service Manager, Automation Technology Project Manager
Representatives of clubs, associations, scientific institutions and consulting companies


electrical and electronics industry,
mechanical and plant engineering,
metal industry, aerospace,
Automotive industry, packaging industry, food industry,
medical technology,
consumer electronics and electrical appliances,
precision mechanics and optics

All packages at a glance

Services Exhibitors Business Partner
  M Silver Gold platinum
Exhibition area with chairs, a table, electricity and WiFi 6m² 6m² 8m² 12m²
(number of chairs) (3) (3) (4) (4)
Free tickets for stand staff including catering 3 4 5 6
Free tickets for stand staff to the evening event
Unlimited number of additional attendance tickets for customers/trading partners at a preferential price (20% discount on normal price)
Placement and linking of the company logo on the event website
Marketing kit for your own communication (logo, flyer, banner, etc.)
List of participants of the face-to-face event (name, function, company)
Mention in print and online reporting  
Premium positioning of the stand in the exhibition area    
Flagging and other branding activities in the event location      
Add-On: Speaker slot on stage or via live stream connection (max. 20 minutes speaking time including 5 minutes discussion afterwards)