Free marketing strategy consulting

The corona crisis is presenting companies with unexpected challenges - including us. In times of crisis like these, it is important not to let communication stand still. Everyone is doing their best to help other people in the current situation.

We would also like to support you with what we do best - so that we can emerge from the crisis stronger together. We have therefore decided to offer our marketing strategy advice free of charge.  

Request free advice

Take advantage of our free and non-binding offer on the following topics

Our marketing strategy consulting also focuses on the current crisis situation and is intended to serve as inspiration and support for your marketing measures. We cover the following topics:

Connect with customer by benefits


Content Marketing

Valuable and helpful content is essential right now so that your target group perceives you as an expert. We explain how you can reach and convince your potential customers with content now and what you need to pay attention to at the moment.


SEO (search engine optimization)

Visibility on search engines has always been important - even in B2B. But right now, many of your customers are researching topics and industry news on Google and other search engines. We support you with tips for the right optimization - in terms of content and technology.


Lead generation

Even now, lead generation is still a core task for B2B companies. Even if you have to expect a drop in sales, we want to support you with action and tips to compensate for this with the right measures.


Social Media

Social networks are currently the hub of communication. B2B companies can now score points here with a targeted social media strategy and reach potential buyers and communicate with their customers.

Connect with customer by benefits


Invest in the future

Working from home and lockdown have changed reading behavior. Trade media are highly valued by decision-makers as a trustworthy source of information.

We are happy to advise you

If you would like a free, no-obligation consultation, simply fill out the contact form and we will get back to you. Let's overcome this crisis together and stay healthy.

About the Vogel Communications Group

At our locations in Germany and around the world, the Vogel Communications Group produces B2B trade media for 14 sectors, including IT, automotive, chemicals, mechanical engineering and marketing. A wide range of advertising opportunities are available to you in the print, digital and events channels, from classic print ads to your own partner zone on our digital platforms. Through our target group access, we also offer you various opportunities to generate high-quality leads.

Your options for lead generation:
Choosing the right channels

The Vogel Communications Group has its headquarters in Würzburg, from where the majority of media and event services are handled. 

We are represented by four specialist agencies in Berlin. This is where our experts for online marketing, digitalization and employer branding are based. 

With locations in China, Switzerland, Poland or the Czech Republic, you can also reach your target group internationally.