Competitive analysis (multi-client)

We find out for you what users say about your product and company!

Obtain qualified feedback from users and use it to uncover the need for action in your company and your target market.

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Why market research ?

Knowledge of the current market and competitive situation as well as unfiltered feedback from the target group are essential. This is the only way to assess your own company and products and develop new fields of action. Our competitive analyses provide you with...

✓ Valuable insights into the current market situation

✓ Reliable figures on company awareness and product distribution

✓ Top criteria for provider selection

✓ A detailed analysis of satisfaction with your company and your product

✓ Comprehensive insights into the performance of your competitors

All services at a glance

Performance All services at a glance
Market data Study profile, description of the sample, application and use of the product, trends on the market, ranking of criteria for the selection of providers, level of awareness of the company and product distribution, information channels and requirements
Provider profiles Individual strengths and weaknesses analysis of each provider and recommendation
Provider comparisons Detailed comparisons of strengths and weaknesses of the leading providers
Presentation Presentation of the results
Price 6.000€

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Your topic is not listed? We would be happy to carry out a competitive analysis of your products and services, the results of which you can receive exclusively.

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Annika Schlosser

Director Sales
