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Your tips and recommendations for action

Your search engine optimization needs an upgrade

The search engine ranking of your website does not yet meet your expectations. With these simple tips you can improve the visibility of your website on the web.

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Why SEO in B2B?

More leads through SEO


Create your own keyword universe and think about which search terms you want your website to rank for. SEO tools such as Sistrix, Semrush or Google Search Console can help you with your research.

You establish yourself as an expert


Put yourself in the shoes of your target group and their challenges. Users search the internet for solutions to their problems. Make sure that the content on your website answers users' questions.

Save costs by increasing traffic


Optimize the meta description (meta title, meta description, etc.) of your website - it is the first thing that potential visitors see in the search results. Use the relevant keywords from your research here.

Measurable results


SEO is not a sprint, but a marathon. Especially at the beginning, it is important to be patient and not give up if you don't see immediate improvements in your search engine ranking. Keep optimizing, your perseverance will be rewarded by Google.
Take the first steps towards search engine optimization with these tips. You can find more information about SEO for B2B companies here: