MISSION ADDITIVE: Web conference

MISSION ADDITIVE: Web conference
MISSION ADDITIVE: Web conference
plus VAT
  • pcs

Lead sponsoring with a web conference on trending topics

Are you looking for new contacts and don't have your own lead-generating format? Take advantage of our editorial team's expertise and sponsor high-quality content to generate leads for your sales team. You will receive the contact details of our users who have registered for your web conference or watched the recording after the live event. With over 200 webinars a year, we provide you with the technical experts to run them. Each webinar is moderated by a specialist author so that we can provide you with a neutral platform for communicating your content.

What is a web conference?

A web conference is a webinar in which a maximum of three sponsors and a neutral speaker discuss a trend topic within a maximum of 2 hours. The moderation is always professionally accompanied by a specialist editor. Several sponsors receive the leads once they have been generated. Exclusion of competition is possible on request, depending on the topic.

How does a lead sponsoring campaign with a web conference work?

We create a registration option for the web conference on one of our specialist portals. The speakers appear on the landing page as "sponsors". During the campaign period of three months, accompanying advertising measures are implemented to draw the attention of the target group to your topic. Your campaign experts will select suitable measures to ensure the success of the campaign with the focus on generating as many live participants as possible. Registration for the web conference is only possible after registration, of course the user will receive a reminder for the live event in advance.

The agenda for a web conference is usually as follows:

  • Presentation Specialist editor
  • Lectures maximum 25 minutes including Q&A session at the end.
  • 20 minutes discussion round
  • Conclusion/farewell by specialist editor

 The lead is then ready for you - all GDPR-compliant, of course!

Which leads are included?
With lead sponsoring, you receive a "business card contact" consisting of: Name, contact details, job title, department, career level, industry, company with address and company size. The campaign includes 75 leads, each additional lead can be purchased afterwards if desired.


Your benefit: 

  • New customer potential through contactable prospects
  • Extensive contact information on potential interested parties
  • Every lead goes through a qualification process so that we can ensure the high quality lead information
  • All leads have a valid consent form
  • Leads can be retrieved via our Customer Centre in compliance with the DSGVO
  • Our campaign experts ensure the success of the campaign for the entire 3-month period and create all advertising measures.

 Learn more herehow you can generate leads via specialist portals.