ELEKTRONIKPRAXISe-Paper newsletter (24 Issues to 43,891 subscribers)

ELEKTRONIKPRAXISe-Paper newsletter (24 Issues to 43,891 subscribers)
ELEKTRONIKPRAXISe-Paper newsletter (24 Issues to 43,891 subscribers)
ELEKTRONIKPRAXISe-Paper newsletter (24 Issues to 43,891 subscribers)
ELEKTRONIKPRAXISe-Paper newsletter (24 Issues to 43,891 subscribers)
ELEKTRONIKPRAXISe-Paper newsletter (24 Issues to 43,891 subscribers)
ELEKTRONIKPRAXISe-Paper newsletter (24 Issues to 43,891 subscribers)
plus VAT
  • Text Ad (image size: 300 x 169 px, text: Header (optional) with max. 40 characters (incl. spaces)
  • Billboard (630 x 250 px)
  • Subscribers: 43,891
  • Shipping: Mondays 24x a year, check our schedule!
Format Text Ad (image size: 300 x 169 px, text: Headline (optional) with max. 40 characters (incl. spaces), billboard (630 x 250 px)


Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG