FoodTec Insider
Specialists and managers in the Food and beverage industrywho work in the area of product, process and procedure development and are responsible for procurement decisions.About us
For experts in food production
Dr. Jörg Kempf
Editor-in-Chief PROCESS
Target group overview
Food and beverage industry
Target groups
The target group is made up of the following specialist media*
Specialists and managers in the food and beverage industry who work in the field of product, process and procedure development and are responsible for procurement decisions
Production & technology management, production managers, plant managers, technology managers, project engineers/managers, planning/development managers, quality assurance/management managers, HSE managers, energy managers)
MM MaschinenMarkt
For owners, managing directors, specialists and managers in mechanical engineering, metalworking, vehicle construction and electrical engineering in the food and beverage industry
Management, Executive Board, Supervisory Board, department heads, project managers, division managers, employees and specialists
Specialists and managers from development and design in machine, plant and equipment construction in the food and beverage industry
Design and development managers, business managers, technical managers, designers, developers, project managers, engineering offices and engineering service managers
electrical engineeringAUTOMATIZATION
Specialists and managers for the automation of machines and systems in the food and beverage industry
Development, design, planning and project planning of electrotechnical equipment and automation of machines and systems, management, technical management, production, manufacturing, quality management
Specialists and managers in the food and beverage industry who work in the areas of research & development and quality control.
Laboratory managers and employees in research and development, quality controllers of raw materials and end products
by industry/sector*
Beverage producer
- Breweries
- Soft drinks
- Mineral water
- Dairy/Micro products
- Distillates (spirits)
- Wine/sparkling wine
Food manufacturer
- Confectionery
- Baked goods and confectionery
- Meat processing
- Fish processing
- Dairy products
- Industrial sugar
- Processed fruit and vegetables
Milling products (flour, starch flour, grain mixtures, etc.)
Feed manufacturer
Food logistics & packaging
*Publisher‘s statistics
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